Monday, August 15, 2016

Good-bye Mito.  

August 15, 2016

Let the service project begin.
This is the yard we pulled all the weeds.
 That thing I am in is 
suppose to be a garden.

Service project.  Look at this huge stack of weeds.Remember this is only 1/4 of the garden.
I can't believe I did the whole thing!
We only made a dent in the weeds

I did everything to the right of me...
  It was so much fun! 
 I lovebservice so much, it reminds me of scouting!

Happy missionaries!
Elder King, Elder Unsworth, Elder Ishikawa
This is the missionaries who went and helped.
 My district pretty much.

Me, Elder Ishikawa, Sister Parker, Sister Madison, Elder King
Fun fact, Sister Parker, the one with glasses is from West Valley
Utah! She went to Granger and knows Karlee, but she didn't go to
Robert Frost.  Such a small world!

We went out and got all you can eat Indo curry for my farewell dinner. 

This family took me out to dinner to say hello to me and goodbye tome.
 They are so kind!
This was our investigator.
 He wanted to talk with the bishop to become 
a better person.
 His name is Hashimoto.
 I wish I could have gotten to 
know him more.

Fun at the matsuri with Elder King!!!
 This parade was going all day long.

Mito Church
Another view.
This is brother Tsuru.

This is brother Tsuru.
 He bought me ice cream because I was leaving 
  I love is man so much.
He is hilarious and my favorite member 
in Mito.

This is the big Ice cream I got!

This was my Ward mission leader.
His name is Kohei.
He was happy to 
see me because he didn't know I was transferring.
Everyone was shocked 
about it!

Elder King, Elder Ishikawa, and Elder Unsworth in front of their apartment.

Elder Ishikawa and I

Elder King and I

Elder Porter and I

This is us when we won!!!


Brother Masuda, me, and Tatsuya
I love these two so much.
 They are my best friends in Matusdo.
friends dressed in white!

Tatsuya and I
Brother Masuda and I
My best friend in the mission! :)
He is the one I Facebook chat with.

This is the group.
 So I found Tatsuya and then when I transferred I

passed him off to elder Judd and he took care of him afterwards.
 I am 
so glad that he continued to show love and support to Tatsuya after I
left. I love these people so much. Elder Judd is now an assistant by
the way so he came back to see the baptism as well.

It happened!!!!  The day I have been waiting for my whole life finally
came.  I got to go to Matsudo this week and see the baptism of my best
friend, Tatsuya.  Oh my goodness I can't tell you how happy I was.
First off let me just tell you how the day went.  It is a miracle that
I was able to go to the baptism.  Well first off, I heard the alarm go
off and I got up to say my prayer and I thought it was a kind of long
prayer.  Usually my morning prayers aren't that good because I am so
tired I just can't focus.  Well I said my prayer and then went and
looked at my watch and it said 6:50.  I was shocked!!!  Our train left
at 7:28.  I got in the shower and showered as fast as I could and got
ready in my suit and everything by 7:15.  Luckily my companion was
also going fast.  We biked to the train station and just barely made
the train.  Well funny story, we got on the wrong train.  There are
two stations near our house and we went to the wrong one.  I had no
idea what I was doing because it was my first week there.  Well we
were heading down the rail and I started talking to some guy and asked
him if this train could get us to Matsudo.  If it weren't for him, I
wouldn't have made it to the baptism.  After awhile and looking up
different routes on how to get to Matsudo we found out a way to get
there.  We then started talking about religion and he seemed to have a
lot of interest.  However he lived in Tokyo so I couldn't teach him.
But it was fun talking with that man.  We then made it to Matsudo with
5 minutes to spare before the meeting started.  I walked in and there
was Masuda and Tatsuya sitting on the stand dressed in white.  I was
so happy to see them.  I ran up there and Tatsuya recognized me and
ran up and gave me a hug and said, "My American Friend, Elder
Unsworth!" I was so happy to see him.  I then walked over and gave
Brother Masuda a hug and I felt like I was coming home to my family.
I then told them that we needed some pictures and we went out in the
hall and took some pictures.  It was so cool.  Seeing my two best
friends dressed in white was what every missionary wants to see. My
dream of seeing a baptism came true.  The ordinance was very reverent
and really good.  I felt the spirit so much and it really touched my
heart.  All I could think about was the doctrine and covenants
scriptures that says, "How great shall be your joy if you bring save
it be one soul unto me."  Tatsuya is my one soul. I feel like we have
been friends since the beginning and we have always known each other.
I wish he had a Facebook so then we could talk back and forth but he
still needs to make one.  The rest of the meeting was really good.
Tatsuya also asked if I would go in the confirmation circle with him.
I did and that was so specail.  To confirm someone a member of the
church and bestow the Holy Ghost on him for all of Eternity is such a
special feeling.  I loved it so much.  I didn't say the words, I just
laid my hands on his head.  But I felt as if my spirit was talking
with his spirit.  It was defiantly an experience I will never forget
in my life.  I finally got the baptism I have been waiting for.  It
was also funny.  So many people were congratulating me for finding him
and teaching him and I didn't really care about that.  I always told
them that it wasn't about me it was about his commitment to follow
Jesus Christ.  They always had a big smile on their face after that.
But really, I felt so much love for Tatsuya and Masuda that day, I can
only imagine what the savior feels for them and how proud he is of
them.  I love this church and this work so much, it has changed my
This week has simply been amazing.  I am so full of the Spirit.
Seeing the baptism changed my mission so much.  I want to go out and
find more people and teach them.  I am so blessed that I was able to
find Tatsuya and follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost.  I remember
when I found him it was kind of an accident.  We were going to one
place but it didn't really work out so we went back home and then ran
into him.  I know that the Holy Ghost told us to go to that first
place because he knew we would run into Tatsuya.  I love this church
so much and it has changed my life but also the people around me lives
as well.
Oh I guess I should tell you a bit about my new companion!  HIs name
is Elder Porter and he is from Cedar Hills Utah! He is actually my
fist Utah companion!  Crazy right?  Actually in my old area there was
a sister there named Sister Parker and she is from West Valley Utah!
It was so crazy, small world huh?  But Elder Porter likes to sing,
play football and basketball, and he is hilarious.  I love being with
him and we are seeing so many miracles in Narita!  We are finding new
people and inviting everyone to come to church on Sunday's! :) We also
ate the biggest ice cream Sunday of my life.  It was the size of a
football if not bigger!  It was sooooo good!  When it is like 100
degrees outside, you need a Sunday.  I love Narita and I am happy to
be serving here! :)
I love you all and I hope you have an amazing week! Thank you for all
your wonderful prayers and support.  I hope you check out my blog this
week and see the new baptism photos in it!  There are a lot of cool
photos coming your way so go look for them! :) I love you and I will
talk to you next week! :)

Elder Unsworth

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