Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day

May 8, 2016
This is our last District Meeting! 

This is our Family Home Evening night. 
We played ping pong.
Marvel guy is a Chinese investigator. 
His name is Pan Pan, we just

got him because the other elders are leaving.

This is our Farwell party for Sister Godfresson. 
She is heading home 
this week. 
This Ward is so nice, they treat the missionaries very 
 I am excited to stay here for another transfer! :)

Here is the Yamashita conference picture.
am right behind President Nagano.

Here is my favorite thing in the whole world.

Hello everyone and Happy Mother's Day!!!!!! :)
Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful mothers out there, especially
my mother.  I love her so much and she has been my number one ever
since I was little.  She is amazing and I love her so much! :)
Well this week I got my transfer calls and lucky me, they are closing
the Togane area.  I must be a plague or something.  The good thing is,
they are not closing my area, they are closing the other Elders area.
So a four man will now be changed to a two man.  Two mans get kind of
lonely but I know with Elder Lin, we will make it fun.  I hope that
with the summer blitz thought that some areas will open back up.  I
was really sad when they got their call to leave, but I know that is
what needs to happen.  Elder Gibson and Elder Munro are two of my
greatest friends and I am going to miss them so much.
As for this week, we did a lot of finding.  This week was Golden Week
which means everyone gets off of work and they don't have to go for a
whole week.  The problem with that is there is nothing fun to do in
Togane except look at rice fields.  So naturally all the people
traveled to Tokyo for the weekend.  As we did our finding, we didn't
really have anyone to talk to this whole week.  It was a rough week.
But we were able to teach a new investigator.  His name is Ishino and
he has a lot of interest.  He is about 62 years old but his memory is
really good with Gospel related things..  We taught him the whole Plan
of Salvation on Sunday and he remembered all of it.  He even had him
teach it back to us to make sure he understood it and he did
perfectly.  He is an amazing guy.  We tried to set a baptismal day
with him but he didn't accept it.  So we set a soft date with him
meaning that when he comes to find that this church is true, he will
be baptized.  He is an amazing investigator!  Also because the other
Elders are leaving this area, that means we are going to get all of
their investigators.  So we should be teaching at least one lesson a
day from here on out! :)
Another fun thing that happened this week was we had a conference with
a member of the Seventy.  His name is Elder Yamashita and he is also
the area's First councilor of the North Asian areas.  He is way cool
and his English is amazing.  My favorite part of his conference was
how often he bore his testimony.  I think we forget sometimes how
powerful our testimonies can be.  His testimony really touched me and
made me want to be better. He is an amazing person and I loved
listening to him.  He really wants the mission working on obedience
and becoming better missionaries.  It was a really good conference and
I learned a lot.
But my favorite part of this week was being able to see my wonderful
family and some friends! :)  I have missed them so much!  Skyping home
is one of my favorite things to do because it always gives me a really
good feeling in side and I love being able to see the people who love
and support me.  They are all amazing and they mean so much to me.
Happy Mothers Day mom!  I hope today was special for you and I hope
you have an amazing week! :)  Being able to talk to you today made me
whole year. You always bring a smile to my face and you fill me full
of joy.  You are the best mom anyone could ask for.  Thank you for
everything! :) I love you!!!!
Well that is all for this week.  I am looking forward to working with
Elder Lin this coming transfer and I know we are going to see some
amazing miracles in Togane.  Thank you all for your love and support.
It came to my attention that some of you don't know the URL for my
blog so I am going to post it on this letter.  Go and see the
wonderful pictures of me and tell my mom how wonderful she is! :)
I love you all so much! :) I hope you have a wonderful week and I hope
to hear from you soon!  Let me know what is going on back in the
hometown or what is going on in your life, I would love to know.  I
love you and I will talk to you next week! :)

Elder Unsworth

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