Monday, September 5, 2016


September 5, 2016

Getting the font ready for the baptism!

Elder Higashi, Elder Queiroz, Brother Oami, and me! :)

I love this man so much!!!! He is a spiritual giant!

This is the dinner night on Sunday.
It was such a fun time! :)
 It was 
at the Tabuchi's house.

Today we had a sand castle building contest with our Olympic Games.
had ten minutes to make this beautiful master piece!
 It was so much fun 
and it was actually pretty big for the time we had to make it.
It was 
so much fun and I loved building it with my district.
 Narita is so 
much fun! :)
We even found dead jelly fish and put it in our moat to act as our monsters!
 Haha it was so much fun! :)

This is our sand castle!  It was awesome!

Day at the beach!!! Loved it! :)

We found this photo booth that takes your pictures and makes you look
really cute. I guess it didn't really work with me! ;)
But it was a fun way to end our day!  They took a lot of pictures but
only gave us some, I wish we could have gotten all of them!  But it
was so much fun!  I love my companions and we have so much fun
together. I hope you enjoy these pictures! :)

How is everyone doing this week? This week has been amazing for me!
For those of you who use Facebook, you already have seen my big news
of the week. But the big news for this week was my investigator Oami
got baptized!!! He is a 63 year old man who has a heart of gold. I
love this man so much. When ever I am with him, I feel the Holy Ghost
so much. He is honestly amazing and so sweet.
So Sunday, we woke up and then just went straight to the church.  We
got there and started to fill the font.  I think it took about an hour
and a half to fill it all the way up.  It is not as big as an American
font but wow they still take awhile to fill up!  Sometimes I can't
remember things back in America.  Like how big the roads are, or how
big our churches are and stuff like that.  I am sure I will be culture
shocked again when I come back to America because everything is going
to be so big! Haha But the baptism went great.  We were sitting there
waiting for the font to fill and then I looked up and there stood Oami
in the door way in a nice suit with a giant smile on his face.  I was
so happy to see him and I could just feel the spirit in the room.  We
got him dressed, took some pictures, and then got ready for the
service.  Not too many people showed up but that is okay because this
Ward is kind of small anyways.  But I wish more people would have
shown up for him.  Elder Queiroz was able to do the baptism and that
was his first time!  He is just a transfer two, the lucky dog.  Well
the baptism went great and Oami was as happy as could be afterwards.
The spirit felt that day was amazing. The next cool part was the gift
of the Holy Ghost.  There were three new members who got baptized last
year who just got the Melchezedic Priesthood last week.  So we asked
them if they would like to stand in the circle with us.  One of them
his handicap and can't walk well.  He has a crutch that he hobbles
around on but he can't stand for too long.  So we pulled up a chair
for him to sit on while we did the blessing.  It was at this moment
that I really felt the spirit.  I looked around and there stood three
new brother who stayed active and now hold the Melchezidic Priesthood.
None are married, and they are all three pretty old.  When we placed
our hands on Oami's head I looked at Miyata, which was the man with the
handicap, and I saw him stretch forth his crippled hand and barely
touch Oami's head.  The spirit was so strong.  This man was giving
everything he could so that he could be in the circle.  It is
something so simple, but at the time I really felt the spirit and it
made me realize that sometimes our all is very little and maybe we
can't reach everything we want to reach, but if we really stretch and
if we submit our self to the father, he will make it possible for us to
reach our heights.  If we give our all to the Lord, his grace will be
sufficient with anything in life.  I saw that personally that day and
it touched my heart.  Oami, Miyata, Riki, and Sato are going to be
amazing members in Narita.  I love them all so much!
So many amazing things have happened this transfer!  I have had two of
my dearest friends baptized and I found out that one of my friends
back in America is considering being baptized.  She is currently
learning about the church and has a desire to be baptized when she
knows it is true.  What a blessing it is to see the ones you love
follow the Savior and do what he asks them to do.  I am so lucky to
have so many amazing lucky people in my life.  I love each and every
one of them and I am grateful to call them my friends.  If anything,
this transfer I have really learned about the love that God has for
each and every one of His children.  He really does love us and he
blesses us everyday.  I am so lucky to be serving in Japan and to see
so many amazing miracles everyday.  I love it here and the weather is
finally done with being crazy!  It is just crazy hot now!  At least
the typhoons are away and hopefully they don't come back anytime soon!
 Today we had a zone P-day at the beach and man is my neck sunburned!  I
got a hair cut afterwards and I could see a white line where my hair
use to be on my neck and on the side of my head! Haha. But honestly,
there are so many thing that I am experiencing on my mission I that is
making me a better person and it is helping me realize how much or
Savior and Father in Heaven really loves us.  I love them too so much
and I am honored to be able to stand as a witness and share with the
world my testimony of Jesus Christ.  I know that He lives and I know
that He is the Christ.  I know that he knows each and every one of us
and that he cares for us and knows our needs.  He is our Savior and
Redeemer and most of all our friend.  I love him with all my heart and
I am here to do his will.  I would like to share with you all a quote
that has kept me going as a missionary and it is very dear to my
heart.  It is from Elder Bruce R. McConkie, "I am called of God.  My
authority is above that of the kings of the earth.  By revelation I
have been selected as a personal representative of the Lord Jesus
Christ.  He is my Master and he has chosen me to represent him.  To
stand in his place, to say and do what he himself would say and do if
he personally were ministering to the very people to whom he has sent
me.  My voice is his voice, and my acts are his acts; my words are his
words and my doctrine is his doctrine.  My commission is to do what he
wants done.  To say what he wants said.  To be a living modern witness
in word and deed of the divinity of his great and marvelous latter-day
work." This quote always hits home for me and I love it so much.  I
hope you all take a chance this week and go out and help someone in
need.  Do as the Savior would do and help those around you.
I love you all so much and I hope you have an amazing week!  I only
have one week left this transfer and I have a pretty good feeling that
something fun will happen next transfer!  So I will let you know in a
week!  I love you all and I hope to hear form you soon.  
Love you!!!  :)

Elder Unsworth

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