Sunday, March 6, 2016

Zone Conference


March 6, 2016

Matsudo Zone.
 The guy standing next to me is one of our investigators, Umehara.
 President Nagano invited him to the conference.
"America" a very cool restaurant.
 The owner was great and we even were able to teach him a little bit about the gospel. 

Look the Beatles!!
Marilyn Monroe!
Me being me...
I put my back to it so I couldn't look at it while I was eating!
Don't worry, I am being good!!! haha
Dessert was the best!!!

Sunday dinner with the Tomono family.
They are so nice.
We housed this apartment.
It could have collapsed any second, it was scary!

Oh I am so spoiled!!
 Thanks to a friend of my mom's, her husband hand carried this great package to me.
 I love everything that was sent!  Yea for TOOTH PASTE!!!

Hello everyone!  This week has been crazy!  From having an

investigator come to Zone Conference, to ripping my pants, to having
two investigators come to church, it has been amazing!!!  I have
really felt the lords hand in my life this past week and I know that
he is blessing me.  I am so grateful for all the wonderful blessings I
have received and I cant wait to see more come this next week.
As I said above, I had zone conference this week and it went really
good.  Umehara came and listened to it.  He said he liked learning
about how missionaries do their studying and where we get all our
information.  We had lunch, took a picture which is on facebook and
then helped clean up.  As I was cleaning up, I ripped my pants.  I am
not talking a little rip.  I am talking from the zipper all the way to
the back belt loop.  It was bad....  Luckily there is a member who can
fix it, but no one can fix the embarrassment I felt!  haha jk, I
laughed it off and joked about it with the other Elders, but I hid
from the sisters.  Later that night we had a lesson with a new
investigator and things went really well with him.
Sunday was also a really good day.  Like I said, this week was really
good!   But on Sunday we had Umehara and Tatsuya come to church.  It
was so cool.  Everything this week as far as stats, went up.  So that
is amaizng.  The Lord is really blessing me and my companion. After
church I was able to do a split with a member.  So Elder Chou went
with Tatsuya and I went with Umehara.  I taught Umehara about the Plan
of Salvation again, just to answer some of his questions.  Because man
does he have a lot of interesting questions.  But then I tried to
address why we needed Jesus Christ and how we can pray for help and
things like that.  I think the lesson went really well.  It answered a
lot of his questions and at the same time I found out some of his
concerned.  So that was good.  The next step with him is teaching him
the Gospel of Jesus Christ and then giving him a Baptismal date.  I
hope to do that some time this week.  Elder Chous lesson went really
well!  He taught Tatsuya about the Restoration and made a baptismal
date with him!  So we now have a baptismal date on the calendar!!!
Whoo hoo!!!  It isn't till May 1st though so we are going to try and
work with him as much as we can and I also think if he meets with us
at least 3 times a week, we will be able to move his date up.  I
really hope that I can stay in Matsudo until his baptism.  That would
make me so happy! :)
This week was really good for us.  We saw many miracles and the best
part of it was our investigators.  We now have three investigators
that we meet with weekly.  Two weeks ago, we had no one.  Now we have
three people.  I know that the Lord is blessing me and that these
three people are ready for the Gospel.  They are three great people
and I love talking with them.  Another really good thing about them is
they love English so I can talk to them in English!  But I try and
practice my Japanese with them, because my Japanese needs to become
better.  I love these three guys so much, they are a miracle to me.
Things in Japan are starting to warm up and the cherry blossoms should
be coming out any time now!  I am so excited to see them and I am
excited to not have to wear a jacket every day from now on!  I am
loving the work and I love Matsudo.  Thank you for all your love and
prayers.  I had an amazing week this week and I know it was because of
the prayers I have received and also the blessings from the Lord.  I
love serving Him.  I love my mission so much and I love you all! Thank
you for all your love and support. I look forward to hearing from you
next week!  Love you! :)

Elder Unsworth

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