Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day

February 14, 2016
One happy missionary!!
Upwards shot of me and the church

I love being a missionary!!!
Be Warned Matsudo,  these two tough missionaries are here for 6 more weeks!!!

Sporting my new hair cut at lunch with these great missionaries.

Visiting ward members!
This is an Eikaiwa student.  She is such a nice person.  Her English is really good.

The Luslos are on the left.  Ayumu is next to me.  He is our amazing investigator.  We had such a fun night together.

 Wow what a week it has been down in Matsudo!  I am loving it here so
much!  So I bet you are wondering what is going on with my transfers.
Well, I am staying in Matsudo for another transfer with Elder Chou!  I
was praying that I could stay here for another transfer.  I love
Matsudo so much!  The members here are amazing and I love being with
them.  I also have grown to love my investigators and of course my
companion.  I am so excited to stay and I know that Elder Chou and I
are going to work extra hard this transfer to see a baptism.  Which
leads into our amazing investigator Ayumu!
We had a church tour this week.  This was for Ayumu.  He is the guy
who we found a week ago who seemed to have a lot of interest in the
church.  He showed up and we had a member there with us! We gave him
the tour and when we got to the chapel he had a bunch of questions
about the sacrament.  It was pretty cool to answer his questions and
see everything click in his head.  We showed him some scriptures and
then explained why the sacrament is important. After that, we went up
to the baptismal font and showed him that.  He was a bit shocked by it
but after showing the video of Christ's baptism and some scriptures he
was okay with it.  We invited him to be baptized and he said he
couldn't right now.  We were a bit bummed but the spirit guided us to
testify and share a couple more scriptures with him.  After doing
that, I could see him change a bit, almost as if his heart was
softened.  He then said that he could be baptized if he found out that
this church was true.  I was overly ecstatic!  I was so happy and I
knew that it was because of the Spirit that he changed his mind.
After the Church tour we went and had dinner together and got to know
each other a bit more.  He is such a cool guy and he loves being with
us.  I think he is going to be our next baptism.  He is a really good
kid and loves being with us.
On Thursday, we had a dinner lesson with Ayumu!  Some members invited
us over for dinner and they told us to invite an investigator over, so
we brought Ayumu.  He was way excited to come.  We got to the Ludlo's
house and they made tacos for us!  I was one happy missionary.  It had
been forever since I have had tacos.  We had our dinner and then came
time for the lesson.  With the time we had allotted left, we decided
to show the restoration video.  We showed it and Ayumu liked it.  He
said it was easy to understand and he thinks that it is possible that
something like that happened.  We then talked about the Book of Mormon
and Prayer.  He said he had read the beginning of the Book of Mormon
but he was way confused.  He had no idea who the people were and it
just didn't make sense to him.  We explained a bit about it and then
went into prayer.  He was also having a bit of a difficulty with this
one as well.  We then turned to the Ludlos and had them teach.  They
shared their testimony about prayer and it seemed to work.  He was
smiling and said thank you and then turned to us and said it all makes
sense.  It was a good night.  We then said a closing prayer and was on
our way home.  As we left the house the Ludlos were very appreciative
that we came over.  As we were walking to the station, Ayumu said, "I
really like those people.  They are so kind and happy.  Why are they
so happy?"  We then told him about the Gospel and how the Gospel will
make you a better person.  He seems to be progressing very well, he
loves the members and he likes the Book of Mormon!
This week has been an amazing week for Ayumu.  He is progressing
amazingly!  I called him the other day and he said he had been reading
the Book of Mormon and that he is excited to meet with us again.  I
know that if he keeps doing the things he is doing, one day he will
get baptized.  He is an amazing man and I love meeting with him.  I am
so happy that I get to spend another transfer in Matsudo with him.
This week the weather has been amazing over here.  It feels like
California in the spring time.  Saturday morning we had Futsal.  This
is a soccer like game.  But it is played inside and the ball is a bit
smaller.  It is so much fun!  I love playing it.  Well usually when I
play, it is nice and just at the right temperature.  Well it felt like
a desert by the time I was done!  It was so hot in the gym.  When I
was biking home, usually I have to wear long pants and a jacket
because it was so cold!  But that day I wore short sleeves and it felt
amazing!  I love the weather here now!  Futsal and Basketball was so
much fun.  We had a lot of people come out and play with us this week.
That makes it so much fun.  I think one of my favorite things to do is
play sports with the members and investigators.  It is a good time to
get to know them and to have fun and goof around with them.  I was
wearing a star wars shirt when I was playing basketball and this new
guy kept calling me star wars and he kept saying I had the force.  It
was so funny.  By the end of the night we were great friends and he
said he was excited to come to next weeks basketball.  I love hanging
out with people and goofing around with them  I think one of the most
important things to a mission is showing your love for everyone.
This week/transfer has been amazing.  I am starting to see the
blessings that are coming from my mission.  I love the work and I love
being able to work with someone all day long.  I love my companion
Elder Chou and I am excited to work with him for another transfer.
Most of all I love the Savior and I have felt his love for me so much
this transfer.  He is shaping me into the man that he wants me to be.
Missions are amazing and I am so excited for this transfer.  Thank you
all for your wonderful love and support.  I hope all is going well
where ever you are and I hope and pray that you can also feel the
Saviors love for you this week.
I love you all and cant wait to hear from you!!!!  Dont forget to
check out the blog for awesome pictures!!!  Take care and talk to you
again next week! :)

Elder Unsworth

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